So, it's been a while I haven't write my blog. It's not because I don't want, but it's because I don't even know what to write. In this beginning of 2013, I learn that "From day by day I learned to not take someone for granted"
So, I'm gonna post outfit that I wearing yesterday to go with my Mom for groceries shopping at Beachwalk (actually, I want to try at Tony Roma's) and Hypermart. My Dad not come with us because he's still sick. And of course my lovely sister isn't go because now she already at Jakarta for her college. But, when we're on the way to BW, my sister called my Mom and she told us that her college will be closed until Jan 28 because of flood in Jakarta. Which is, she's gonna come here. And she'll go here THIS NIGHT! No more lonely :p
I already bought this cute bowler hat last year on November (I think) but I always forget to take photo with it hahaha. I really love this shirt! It's unbranded but it's really really really C O M F Y, and I bought it for IDR 155.000 onlyyy :D
So, this is Cico. She's really cute, whenever you rub her, she will acting like this. She's soo pampered and really friendly. There's something about her that isn't good at all. When she hears thunderstorm, she will try whatever she can do to go inside my house (even BROKE my Grandma's window!). So, our family decided to take her inside when night comes.
We ate Ribs and Steak (one set) at Tony Roma's Beachwalk. The steak and ribs is soooooo softt! And I try with the spicy sauce ♡ And this is what we (me and my Mom) ate at Tony Roma's. Actually I ate 3/4 of this haha. It's because my Mom already ordered salad too! Even it's little bit expensive but it worth for the taste! All of you really really need to try thissss ;D
After we went to Beachwalk, we go to Titiles to buy my Dad some "abon" (in Indonesia) and I try with google translate. It means "shredded" in English. But I don't know if it's right or not hahaha. FYI, in Titiles there's sooo muchh animals (like lion, tiger, crocodile, fish, biggggg turtle and many more) So, I decided to take photo with this beautiful birddd! How beautiful is it! I wantttt thaaatt :(
And this is the detail of the featherr! Really prettyyyy! ♡
So, enough for today ;) And btw I just finished watch DBL at Gor Purna Krida. The match is between Denpasar Harapan Senior High School vs. Taman Rama Senior High School. But I went home when quarter 3 started, because I'm was so sleeeppyyy :p I heard that the final score was 24-23. So, Harapan Senior High School win the match. And Taman Rama is my ex school. I want to go back to that school again, I miss my old frieenndds so muchhh :(
See you soonnn! Thankyou ♡