October 15, 2013


"You work hard and deserve more recognition than you get." - 101 Great Things Every Woman Needs to Remember

Hey everyone! Haven't seen all if you for almost 5 months, I guess? Hahaha sorry, I was very busy lately. I have to take care of my school movement. Yes I moved to my old school because my mom considers my friends in that new school are just a few, which is only 8 students in the class (include me)! So lets finish talking about my school, now move to Outfit of the (5) Months

Random Online Stores Floral Denim Shirt, Scallop Leather Skirt | Ditchy Mitchy Xaviera Oxford
Actually the first time I choose my outfit, I wore all of this outfit plus white sweater as my outer but suddenly I just want to pull it out and †hen I looked myself in the mirror and then I think that it's better not to use that sweater anddd I end up with this!  photo 2_zpsae87ac1c.png photo 21_zpsd46e6a3a.png

Big RED Bow!
Right now, I guess that bow bows and socks are becoming very exist again! There are a lot of cute socks with many kinds of motives such as Tribal, Polka, Lines and may more. Eh, I also sell socks at our (me and my sister) Online Store which is Dee Shoppe's and of course with very very affordable prices!  photo 7_zpsb3b360eb.png

very very lovely heels! 
This is currently my favourite shoes to wear it. It is like I always use this heels anywhere I go, and now I plan that maybe I will bring this shoes to Jakarta on this Friday. Can't wait to go thereeee, I miss my sister so mucchh

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
sorry, can't resist to not-take-any-selfies
And do you know why I wrote the title 'Flower'? It's simply I think that my outfit today is like flower. I mean like the Floral Shirt as the Flower and the Leather Skirt as the footstalk ;p

So I guess enough for today and bubyee! See you on my next post. I will really really try to update my blogggg, soorryy once again  photo 23_zpsff500481.png photo 23_zpsff500481.png photo 23_zpsff500481.png